
New Jewelry

Buttons Earrings 2, originally uploaded by B.B. Bellezza.

These earrings are up for sale in my etsy shop http://BBBellezza.etsy.com

They are so adorable! I have different colors, too, but I need to take photos of them. I actually made myself a button jewelry set to go with my favorite sweater last week (one of the benefits of being a jewelry designer!) I made a pendant, earrings and a charm bracelet with gray and black buttons.

There are a couple other new pieces and a set of ATC's as well. I made them about a year ago, but then chickened out after I listed them. I feel more confident now about them now and just reactivated them.

I am getting ready for a couple of upcoming craft shows and artMarket, so I do have a lot of new pieces. I just haven't taken a break to photograph them all yet. (You will definitely see new pieces at my upcoming shows! Go to www.BBBellezza.com for upcoming shows)

I am also so excited to show you some new altered art pendants I made, but they are in the middle of a several-step process. I will share when they are completed.

Reminder: If you are on my email newsletter list, I recently sent out an email, but in case you missed it: I have decided to go with an email newsletter provider. This way I can made really cool newsletters - or at least cooler newsletters - and I can accomidate a larger list as well. So, if you are already on my list, you will receive an email with a link asking you to click to join. If you want to remain, click it. If not, no hard feelings.

If you want to participate in my giveaways in the future, however, you will need to click because I will ONLY be using the new service shortly.

I think I can put this cool thing on my website to sign up, but I haven't quite figured that out yet, so for now, just email me at BBBellezza@hotmail.com and I will input you. You will still receive an email with a link to opt in.

Thanks so much and let me know if you have any questions or problems with signing up.

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