
Day One of the Lancaster Art Walk

Day 1: 8:00 a.m. unload car, set up tables, set up displays, set up jewelry.

Meet neighbors and other great people...and other Etsians! I adore my neighbors. You can sort of see some of the pottery in the background. It is beautiful and reasonably priced. I think I might pick up a piece tomorrow. I usually try not to spend money at craft shows I am at, just because I am really there to make money.

10:00 a.m. The people start to arrive. I think that we were a pleasant surprise because I think most of the people were there to check out the artwork from the students. We were in a building with all of the artwork of the Lancaster City schools. Some of this art was amazing. Actually, I was completely impressed with this one painting, and it ends up that it was my pottery neighbors' granddaughter!

12:00ish My best friend Valerie shows up to give me a break. She rocks! (Thanks Valerie!!)

2:00 p.m. I started working on some new jewelry. I have always felt uncomfortable --- for some reason -- doing this before. But, it completely felt normal and natural. Plus, it was pretty slow. Although, I must say, I was doing okay anyway.

The most popular items were definitely the hardwear jewelry items, which is actually a difference from previous shows (by shows I mean a couple of open houses and one show). People of all ages loved my girls, too. Lucy and Monique (the maniquins!)

I think I also lucked out because across from me there was a project going on to make a coil pot. People - children mainly - were encouraged to make a clay coil to add to a clay pot. It is really big. I should take a picture....I meant to. I am kind of sad that I didn't take a before photo of it.

5:00 p.m. Close up shop and leave for the day. I decided to bring home the beads I took with me today to trade for some different beads for tomorrow. I think it may not be quite as busy tomorrow because it is supposed to rain, but I could be wrong.

Come home and crash!

Write Blog!

More tomorrow!

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