

Each and every year I write out a whole bunch of New Year Resolutions. Then at the beginning of the next year I write out the same New Year Resolutions again because I never did them.....and so on....

This year I tried to take a different approach to the whole New Year thing -by just casually thinking that I would start doing this thing (i.e. regular exercise) or quit doing something else (i.e. eating M&M's). That didn't work either.

I think what I need is a plan of action and a schedule to follow. Not a resolution, just a change of schedule.

So, I have decided to do just that.

My Idea:

Lately I have been finding it impossible to find time to be creative. There is so much paperwork involved with running your own business, especially at this time of the year. Usually I just design and create jewelry whenever I feel like it. That isn't working right now because I have so many other responsibilities.

I have decided to get up early each morning and spent time first thing in the morning creating. Edit: this didn't work; instead, it is my priority first thing after work before I do anything else. I set the timer and then forget about everything else for the allotted time.

I know it will be difficult....I am not much of a morning person. (Obviously! See above sentence!) But I keep thinking that it would be such a lovely way to start the day. I am just committing to trying it for a month.

What I am Going to Do:

Each morning I am going to get up early and head down to the studio...without turning on the computer or doing anything else and sitting at my table and working on designs or creating.

After looking at my work table and my desk, there are a few things that I need to do to get ready for this for me to be able to succeed and not be distracted:

1. Clear off my workspace check

2. Have my tools and supplies organized and readily available check

3. I have started a notebook of ideas and I will keep that on my work table so if I am stuck, I can refer to it for ideas. notebook started

4. I also had to clear off my desk because it is in my studio and I am having a problem creating with a messy desk with uncompleted tasks. check

I am doing the above because I want to just be able to sit down and work for 45 minutes without wasting time looking for my pliers or trying to figure out what to do. I want my time to be worthwhile.

Also, I am not going to be concerned about making jewelry for my shops during this time. This is time just to create. (Or write, or collage....) If a great idea for my shops come out of it, great, but that is not the goal. (I made myself jewelry! Woo hoo!)

I am going to start tomorrow. I am not waiting until a Monday or another beginning of the month. I am just going to start!

Off to clean and organize . . .

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