
Goin' Home

Hopewell Furnance, originally uploaded by B.B. Bellezza.

(Photo from Hopewell Furnance, not my actual home. Although, this little town is so sweet and adorable, it would be a great place to call home.)

Just a little note to let everyone know I am going to my parents' home for the weekend and into Monday. I haven't been there for a while, so I am excited. I will miss my boyfriend immensely. He is staying behind because he has to work. (Yes, even after 6 years I still miss him when we're apart.)

This also means that I will not be doing any shows this weekend, including Sunday Market at Building Character. Also, if you make a purchase from me over the weekend, it will not ship until Tuesday.

I am going home for a couple of reasons, but the main reason is my mom is having a major surgery (brain surgery....it's a very rare and strange thing, actually.) Please keep her in your thoughts on Monday that all goes well.

I will be back on Tuesday with some great new necklaces to share!!

1 comment:

ReneeBuchananArt said...

I hope everything goes well with your mom :)I'm sure she'll be so happy to have you there!

The pic is beautiful! So quaint... it would be WONDERFUL to live there!

Renee :)