

Make Your Own Dolls!

I love making rag dolls.  There are so many options on how to personalize them:

  • You can customize the face:  paint it, embroider it, make it a zombie. 
  • You can customize the clothes:  different fabrics, use your old clothes, make jeans for them, etc.
  • You can customize the shape:  straight body, triangle body, paints with shirt, dress, skirt, etc. etc. etc.!
  • You can customize the size:  make 'em big, make 'em mini, or make 'em somewhere in between!

Really, that's just the beginning of the options!  

Once you know how to make one, you can really broaden and do whatever your heart desires!

And how do you learn to make a doll?  

Design-a-Doll Digital Program!  It's just $15 in my Craftsy Pattern Store.  Purchase it now for instant download and get started right away!  It comes with a pattern, but I also show you how to design your own pattern!

If you prefer, I also have a Design-a-Doll Boy Digital Program for just $15.

Make a doll to give away and then make one to keep.  Everyone loves them!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    WOW, it's so cute! :D


I really appreciate your comment! Have a beautiful day!