

Edgar Allan Poe Kilt Pin Auction

Just a little warning:  I'm going to be closing my etsy shop until the end of May for my wedding/honeymoon.  My Craftsy Pattern Store will remain open since you can purchase a tutorial and get it automatically (although I will have very limited access to the internet at best for questions) and you can shop at my booth at BUiLDiNG CHARACTER while I'm away, too.  

342 N. Queen Street, Rear
Lancaster, PA 17603

The shop will be closing later today, Sunday, May 13, 2012.

This Edgar Allan Poe Kilt Pin will be auctioned on in the jewelry auction today, Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 12:00 noon EST.  If you go to the auction, scroll down and find my kilt pin and open it, you can have a text message sent to you when it's about to come up for auction.

If you need an invitation to, let me know.

Thank you!

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