

DIY Green Handmade Cloth Napkins

I knew right from the beginning of planning my wedding reception that I would not be using paper napkins.  Yes, we are having a relatively laid back outdoor wedding.  But, I would never want to waste that much paper.

I also knew that I would be making them.  I didn't want to rent them because I knew I could make them for the same price as renting them, plus I could make them any size, color, pattern, etc. that I wanted.

Not to mention the added extra benefit of having a crap load of cloth napkins for myself after the wedding.  No more paper napkins for us - ever!

To a lot of my non-DIY pals, this seems pretty crazy.  But I'm sure that a lot of my DIY and planet-loving pals out there understand. 

I have made these cloth napkins before.  They are fine for around the house, but not quite right for my wedding reception.

I ended up using the Shiny Happy World free tutorial to make my napkins.  The only change I made was I made mine 16 x 16.  12 was too small and I tried 18, which was too big.  16 inches seems just about perfect.  Follow her directions (and don't skip all the ironing, it makes it them so much easier!) and you, too can have gorgeous cloth napkins!

So far my progress hasn't been too great (as you can see by the small pile of napkins!)  But this weekend I'm taking my sewing machine to my mom's and we're going to have dualing sewing machines and knock them out!

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