
The Gigantic Craft Show in Lititz, PA

Saturday I woke up to the most amazing sight (well, for me anyway!)  I looked out my window and a gigantic craft show had magically appeared.  So huge that it is simply called "The Big One."

{As a side note, somehow my boyfriend is always working whenever cool things happen in our quaint little town.  He can never believe the things I tell him, or he thinks it's some sort of magical world I evoke in my head.}

I assure you, the craft show was real.

There were over 500 vendors on several of Lititz's streets and in the park.  I saw almost all of them.  While a lot of the vendors were not really my thing, there were several who had amazing things.  Like the silverware jewelry guy or the woman with the bottle cap stand.

I'm not really used to attending craft shows strictly as a shopper.  It was strange.  It was also sort of freeing, but I definitely felt like I was missing out on something.
It was sort of interesting to hear the chatter on the other side of the table and how people shop.  For example, at this show people do a full round before they start purchasing.  That's what I heard anyway. 

The photo above is from the main route through Lititz, looking down.  It was completely packed with people.  This was maybe 1/3 of the show.

I ran into my friend Maggie at the show, and she has more photos on her blog - Sweet Maggie May, so be sure to check them out. 

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