

Lancaster Locals - New Stuff to See at BUiLDiNG CHARACTER

A few days ago I took out the Christmas and brought out some new things at my booth at BUiLDiNG CHARACTER (342 N. Queen Street, Rear Warehouses, Lancaster, PA)

As you may know, my mom has gotten into crafting again (she did it while we were kids) and has started a business called Carecycled.  She makes really awesome stuff out of previously used things.

For example, her candles are a huge hit!  You can get them in a vintage tea cup (super cute and a great Valentine's Day gift!  Yes, I said it, Valentine's Day. . .) or in vintage desert dishes (and these dishes are even infused with the love of my wedding day!) or other sweet containers.

They smell fantastic and are adorable.  In case you were wondering if these containers can stand up to the heat of a candle, yes, they can.  We have tested them.  In addition, they stood up to the heat of hot wax or soy wax being poured into them when they were made, so rest assured that they will be fine (with normal candle caution, of course.)


You'll also find the popular wooden coasters.  These are made from trees that naturally fall on my parent's river front property.  My dad cuts them and my mom finishes them.  I adore them and they are so inexpensive you won't believe it!


My mom also has been crocheting away at making purses.  Right now we just have the one and it won't be there long, I can assure you. 


And last but not least, sewing kits!  These sewing kits are perfect for anyone!  They have everything you need to quickly mend something or if your button falls off.  I know I used to have to dig and really search to find a needle and thread before my mom gave me one of these.  Now I always can find scissors, thread, needles, pins -- anything you need to sew!  

And how cute are they?  Seriously cute.  And recycled.  Everyone you know should have one of these.

Mom doesn't have her online shop filled up with products yet, but she will soon!  So if you see something here and you don't live in the Lancaster, PA area, send me a message and I'll help you purchase it through paypal and get it out to you.


You can, of course, still get all my jewelry.  And (yes, I'll say it again!) Valentine's Day is coming up and handmade art jewelry is always a great gift!  (I can take custom orders at this point again, too!  Just contact me for more information.)

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