

6 Small Steps to a Greener Bathroom

The bathroom is where we start our day and usually end it.  A significant amount of the water we use is from the shower!  When you are in the bathroom, start thinking about how you are using water and other disposable products.

Here are 6 small changes you can make to take steps to being greener in the bathroom (without renovating):

  1. Use recycled toilet paper.  It is so easy to find and not much more expensive.  While you are at it - use less toilet paper.  I was watching a show on TLC about cheap people recently and they actually used cloth toilet paper, put it in a bin beside the toilet and washed and reused it.  It's something to consider.  At the very least, just try using a little less each time and it can add up to a big difference.
  2. Don't let the water keep running while you are brushing your teeth.  It seems so obvious, but sometimes you don't even realize you're doing it.  One way to remind yourself is to fill up a cup to use instead of turning on the water facet. 
  3. Take shorter showers.  If you are like me, it's probably really early and you're a little disoriented and spaced out when you are taking your shower.  Try to think about the amount of water you are using and speed it up.
  4. Get rid of all the disposables in your bathroom.  (Okay, keep the toilet paper and see #1 above.)  Things like disposable toilet brushes, one use facial cleansing wipes, paper towels, makeup applicators are not necessary.  
  5. Put a recycling bin right in your bathroom to make it easy for you to recycle there, too.  Like I said, it's early and you're a little spaced out in the morning, make it easier on yourself!
  6. Use environmentally safe cleaners.  Here are some green cleaning recipes.  You'll save money, too!

Here are some more tips:

How to Go Green in the Bathroom from TreeHugger

5 Simple Ways You're Wasting Money in the Bathroom from TheDailyGreen

5 Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Bathroom from the Mother Nature Network

Here's a Great Squidoo Lens on Environmentally Friendly Bathrooms

1 comment:

  1. The Solecan is a perfect recycling solution for the bathroom. If you agree, please like us on Facebook to bring us to a store near you. Thanks and happy recycling!


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