Lately I seem to have a problem with paper. I keep printing things out. Then I decide that I don't need it. Or I print out a tutorial to proofread - and believe me there are some errors I only catch if I print - but then I have this pile of paper. It seemed like such a waste.
Then I started (or really, re-started) to do something. I started saving all that paper. Now I print on the back.
Yes, it's really simple. (Sometimes the best tips are!)
Sometimes we forget about such simple things. I'll blame it on working at a law firm. So much personal information is at the law firm and the papers with personal information have to be shredded.
At home, a draft of a tutorial with corrections on it does not need to be shredded. I can print on the other side. I can draw out ideas on the other side. I can print another tutorial on the other side.
But, I certainly don't need to throw it away.
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