

New Tutorial Available: Love Hand Sewn Fabric Cuff Bracelet

Love Hand Sewn Fabric Cuff Tutorial

25 pages of instructions, full color photographs and hints
. You’ll learn the basics of hand sewing a cuff bracelet and then find inspiration and ideas for personalization and customization as well!

This is a great project to take on the go with you!

This is a beginner tutorial - I'll teach you everything you need to know. Get stuck? Email me for help! 

Each tutorial contains:
● A list of materials and tools needed to complete the tutorial.

For the Love Cuff Tutorial, you’ll need embroidery needle, embroider floss in pink and heather gray (or other color of your choice), scissors, chalk, a button, 2 colors of denim and an old t-shirt in pink or any other color of your choice.

● Detail instructions on how to complete the project. I have written this tutorial as if you have no idea what you are doing.

● Helpful hints.

● Colorful close up photos. I make the project and stop to take photos at each step to show you. 2 ways to learn: words and photos.

● Inspiration and ideas for personalization and customization!

● Printable pattern.

● My email address in case you get stuck along the way.

Purchase the Love Hand Sewn Cuff Tutorial

Hints and Tips:
● Create without worrying about the outcome and enjoy the creating itself.
● You don’t have to follow my instructions exactly. Try something different or use a different material. That is why I write these tutorials. I want you to feel comfortable trying something new!
● I love reusing and recycling. (No doubt you know that if you’ve visited my blog!) I strongly encourage you to try reusing materials to make these projects.
● You can make memorable keepsakes by using special fabrics or incorporating special objects into the cuffs. I do recommend that you practice prior to using irreplaceable items.

Terms of Use:
You may use this tutorial to create products that you sell. You do not have my permission to share, distribute or sell the actual tutorial - or any part of any tutorial - itself.

If you wish to teach this tutorial in a workshop, that is is okay with me. However, if you know of other teachers who wish to teach my tutorials, please refer them to purchase the tutorial from me.

All of this for just $5!!!

After you make the payment, I'll email you the 25 page PDF + love cuff pattern within 24 hours - or most of the time much sooner!

Purchase the Tutorial

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