

Review of the book, The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I finally got a chance to read The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

This book was captivating.  Set in Mississippi in 1962, the book is told through the voices of 3 very different women.  Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is just out of college and living with her parents.  Aibileen Clark is a 50ish black woman who is a maid and becomes one of Skeeter's friends.  Minny is the third narrator and she is a younger outspoken maid.  I have always been pulled in by books that had several different "voices."  One of my favorites like that is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.

The three woman begin to work together on a book about the "Help," filled with stories - good and bad - about being a black maid in a white household in Mississippi in the time.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book.  I couldn't put it down.  However, I also wonder if the author really portrayed the nitty gritty of the time period accurately.  Yes, the book is entertaining and highly readable, but I think the unrest of the time period in Mississippi is a little brushed over.  The reactions about what could have happened to any of the woman participating in the project felt a little played down to me.

However, overall the book is definitely worth a read!

(Full disclosure:  I am an affliate of Amazon, which means if you click on the image above and purchase this book, I receive a small percentage of the sale.  Amazon in no way influences me to write this review, what to write or my opinion.  My opinions are freely given.)

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