

How To Use Coupon Codes on Etsy

More than one person has told me that they had trouble figuring out how to use these codes I give out from time to time, so I'm sharing this step-by-step on how to use them!

How to use coupon codes in my etsy shop:

Step #1

Go shopping and put items in your shopping cart.

Step #2

When you're done shopping and ready to check out, click on shopping cart.

You'll find the "apply coupon code" link on the right side.

or a closer look:

Step #3

Click on the "Apply shop coupon code" link.  When you click on it, a box appears where you can type in the coupon code.
Step #4

Fill in the coupon code (right now for Cyber Monday I have a free shipping code FREESHIP, so I'm using that code for this example.  But you would place whatever code I may be offering at the time here.)

Step #5

Click the "apply" button.
The code will be green and whatever the deal is should be written underneath it.  In this example, "you received free shipping!"
Step #6

Continue to checkout as normal.  

I hope this helps clear up any confusion!  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or problems!

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